Holmes smoking grabber smokeless ashtray experience

Holmes Smoke Grabber Smokeless Ashtray
I recently bought some "Holmes smoking grabber" smokeless ashtrays.

How might you see in the picture below, this ashtray is a beast in terms of size!  I don't have a measuring tape is available at the moment, but it's easy to 6 inches by 6 inches square and 4 inches when rating is not opened.  This means that it takes much more space than most "normal" ashtrays.

Ashtray works from two batteries D size.  Unfortunately the battery seems to drain so quickly that smokeless ashtray often begins execution of sub-par after only one or two uses with fresh batteries.  The fan will continue to spin, but the ashtray is just not very good with batteries that have been used by more than a few times.  There is no version of the AC adapter to the ashtray, although he will not be too difficult to manually connect one.


I recently bought two of this particular model smokeless ashtray at the same time.  When I opened the window for the first of them, I found that it arrived broken.   This is a bad fan, and no amount of fiddling would start it spinning.

Second smokeless ashtray worked, but became glued so quickly that the contacts in the territory should be cleaned between each use.  The ashtray is almost a year later, but it only gets used once a day for a few minutes and temperamental right from the start.

As you can see in the picture below, the internal contacts, include the ashtray and off when you open the top are the only two pieces of metal.  They are easily bent, and often an ashtray will no longer work because they don't make good connection.  I believe that the easiest way to make a better connection must destroy metal down with wet clothes to get smoke residue off of it.  You should be careful, because if you're too much bend the metal contacts, you can find an ashtray not turn on and off as expected when you open the top.

In General, while the smokeless ashtray, I wish it worked better.  I suppose I can't complain too much because this particular model is so inexpensive.  Nevertheless, I intend to start the search for new smokeless ashtray.  I will let everyone know what I find. and please let me know if you have any suggestions or experience!

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